

can't stop, won't stop.

This morning I woke up telling myself I wanted to lose 10 more pounds. I mean, of course I want lose that and more, but I decided I'm going to do it. There's a difference. I've now added my fitness pal tracker to the blog to keep me in check...let's do this!

By lunch I was pumped and ready to go, yes lunch. I liked the idea but wasn't ready to wake up in the AM haha. I felt like going and not stopping. Today I wanted to run. I was ready to run with Banana at lunch but needy co-workers got in the way :P. I easily could have kept working but I decided to just do it. I took a screenshot of the pic below and took off.

I LOVED it! I've never done cross fit  so I don't know if that's what its really like, but it was intense and changed up my gym routine forever. I'm going to try to do this at least 3 times a week. Anyone else up for the challenge?

Now on to Turbo Fire when I get home :).

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